Results: November Health Challenge

Results: November Health Challenge

Our health is, by a huge margin, the most important thing to focus on. You may know that I originally started my YouTube channel is an attempt to keep myself accountable with keto and intermittent fasting when I was diagnosed as "dangerously prediabetic", and wanted a non-medicinal way to reel back my health, and lo and behold, that protocol worked really well with my follow up blood work just months later showing all healthy markers.

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Since then I've stayed relatively on the straight and narrow, eating a ketogenic diet but I had stopped monitoring my eating window which at one point, was just OMAD (one meal a day), ballooning to eating several times a day with fasting only taking place while I slept my roughly 7 hours per night.

Well, that caught up to me.

I started my journey initially at 230 lbs (104 kg), but more importantly, being VERY obese at 31% body fat. I had lost 60 lbs (27 kg) at my lowest and felt fantastic. However, stopping a time-restricted eating window (despite remaining Keto friendly) for the past 18 months, saw me balloon back up by the end of October 2022 at 192 lbs and worst of all, back into obese territory at 27.7% body fat. Yikes.

It was time to revert back to a sustainable yet real effort into not a diet, but rather, a permanent lifestyle overhaul. And so I decided to start on November 1st 2022 with two mandates for myself:

  1. To go back to combining both Keto as well as a daily eating window of no more than 4 hours; and,
  2. To walk at least 15,000 steps each and every day

I've measured my results daily and truth be told, as you'll see below - by the numbers - I'm not ecstatic about the results, but I'm just accepting the first month as a commitment towards a permanent lifestyle change. My intention is to continue both of those mandates throughout December but to also stack a third mandate which I'll share when December rolls around.

As you can see in the screenshot below, I definitely walked at least 15,000 steps every day:

Apple Health App - Nov 2022 - 15,000 Steps per Day

You'll have to just take my word that I stayed strictly within my eating window and ate Ketogenic-compliant foods only, and if you trust that I'm telling the truth with that, you can see why I'm not overly happy about the results, with the left side showing the smart-scale readout on November 1st, and the right side showing the smart-scale readout on November 30th.

Nov 2022 - Day 1 and Day 30 - Renpho Smart Scale

I think the most worrisome thing is the muscle loss with not a huge drop in body fat percentage. You can see over the course of the 30 days of November:

  • My weight dropped 8.2 lbs (3.7 kg) while...
  • My body fat percentage only dropped by 1.5%, and yet...
  • I lost 3 lbs (1.3kg) of muscle

So it's pretty clear what I need to do for December:

  1. Create a clear repeatable meal plan so there are no variables in macro and micronutrients.
  2. Maintain my daily 4 hour eating window
  3. Drop down from 15,000 to 10,000 steps per day to continue that low-intensity steady state cardio, but take the 30 minutes I save with walking 5,000 steps less, and instead...
  4. Use that half-hour per day to do resistance training to retain (if not build) muscle

By the way, people always asked in previous videos I've published, so in case you were wondering, the screenshots you see are from the smart scale I've used for over 3 years by a company called Renpho and you can check it out on Amazon right over here.

Anyways... y'all see my plan for December above in four clear bullet points. Onwards we go and we'll see what kind of results I yield to close out 2022. It's going to be a struggle to bring my own food to Christmas dinner though 😅

I am not a doctor nor an expert. If you have experience and can offer any tips or modifications to my plan, please comment below!


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