My Bucket List

Below is my bucket list. I think it's pretty effective to "get to know someone" by seeing what they dream of most!

 List Item Checked?
Create a show like Bourdain with handmade goods instead of food ⚠️ Started
Ride a motorcycle around the entire edge of Taiwan
Be able to do the splits on two chairs like Van Damme did
Invent a zero net-carb gummy candy that actually tastes good
Take my mom on a train trip through Japan or Switzerland ✅ Oct. 2023
Progressively work my way up to 5 clean muscle-ups
Go through the process of creating a feature length documentary
Find a Seiko 6139-6010 - the "True Bruce Lee" Watch ✅ Jan. 2024

Get to and stay at 15% body-fat or lower (checked after 1 full year)

Learn and be able to hold a planche for 5 full seconds
Get an A. Lange & Söhne One Perpetual Calendar Watch

Create a self-sustaining EDC/Travel product line and create jobs in Toronto

⚠️ Started

Buy a Jaeger Le-Coultre Tribute Moon Reverso